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Sun 16 Feb - Davina Calbraith - Hope is the anchor

Hebrews 6:19

Sun 12 Jan - Davina Calbraith - Growing in God

Colossians 1:9-14

Sun 08 Sep - Davina Calbraith - Life Lessons from the beach

Sun 28 July - Davina Calbraith - Different views of Jesus

Sun 9 June - Davina Calbraith - Comfort Zones

Acts 10: 1-26, Are we prepared to step out of our comfort zone? Why would we,,,

Sun May 19 - Davina Calbraith - Strengthening the inner man

Eph 3: 16-19

Sun 28 Jan - Davina Calbraith - the Comfort of Christ

Unpacking 2 Cor 1:5

Sun 8 Oct - Davina Calbraith - How to pray the names of God

What do the names mean & how can we use them in our prayers.

Sun 13 Aug - Davina Calbraith - Gods Light

Eph 5: 8-11 You are the light of the Lord, Live as children of light...