our congregation

About Our Church

Sandy Baptist Church is located in the rural town of Sandy, which is a small market town in Bedfordshire in the United Kingdom.  We are an actively involved in our community in a number of ways  We offer practical help to those in need, make our halls available to the local Children's Centre, Housing Support Agencies, social groups and as a venue for all types of occasions. We believe that being church is about so much more than meeting together on a Sunday.

If you are seeking to learn more about the Christian faith then please get in touch through our Contact page

Sunday Services

Family Worship 10.30am - with Children's groups available for under 11's

Our Sunday services have an informal style. We aim to make them inclusive to people of all ages and backgrounds. 


In our worship we use a range of songs mainly taken from Songs of Fellowship. We are on a journey of exploring how to allow the Holy Spirit to move more freely in our worship. We are keen to reflect the fullness of the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit in our Sunday services.


At Sandy Baptist we dedicate a significant time each Sunday morning to the preaching of the word. A small team of people regularly preach and teach from God’s word, the Bible, each Sunday morning.


We meet to celebrate Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. Ours is an open table, where all who know and love the Lord as their personal saviour are invited to take part.

Meet The Leadership Team

The church is currently led by a small leadership team. Martin Jones and Phil Vass,  are our church deacons.

Martin Jones - Minister in Training


Phil Vass - Treasurer
