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Sun 1 Dec - Frank Sherburn - Travelling in faith

Phillipians 2:1-16

Sun 3 Nov - Frank Sherburn - Travelling in faith 1

Philippians 1: 1-30

Sun 6 Oct - Frank Sherburn - Is your church the real deal?

Acts 2: 42-46

Sun 4 Aug - Frank Sherburn - Love one Another

John 13: 31-35

Sun 7 July - Frank Sherburn - Connecting with real people

Mark 12: 13-17

Sun 2 June - Frank Sherburn - Impacting the outsiders

Mark 11: 12-17

Sun 5 May - Frank Sherburn - Church buildings, do they matter?

Exodus 31: 1-6

Sun 7 Apr - Frank Sherburn - What kind of people should we be inviting to church?

Based on Mark 2: 13-17

Sun 3 Mar - Frank Sherburn - Are we bringers or blockers?

What people are we inviting to church? Are the activities of the church shaoed for our needs or those of the community, those we ned to reach?

Sun 4th Jan - Frank Sherburn - Prayer

The last of a series of 6 messages on the theme - Whats the Purpose of Church?

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